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What is Smart Home & why you need to turn your home into a Smart Home

Updated: Jun 15, 2023

Smart home technology is becoming increasingly popular for homeowners these days as it offers a convenient and cost-effective way to automate and control the home environment. In a nutshell, a smart home provides an automated home environment that allows users to control and monitor a variety of devices and appliances from a smartphone app or voice-enabled speakers. This article will explain what a smart home is, why you need to turn your home into a smart home, and the different types of smart home devices available.

What is a Smart Home?

A smart home is a home that is equipped with automated systems and devices that can be centrally managed and monitored. These systems are typically connected to a central hub and can be controlled remotely using a smartphone app or voice assistant, such as Apple Home, Google Home, or Amazon Alexa. Smart home devices can range from light switches and thermostats to security cameras and door locks.

Smart Home solutions of today are no more a luxury but a need. With just a tap of a button or a simple voice command on an array of devices: Laptops, Tablets, Phones, Watches, Speakers, or Televisions you can control any part of your home.

Till a few years back, people had difficulty integrating different automation systems or devices due to platform fragmentation or lack of technical standards, but now with the advent of HomeKit and the likes, the Industry is moving to a stable and common platform wherein the devices from different manufacturers and using different networking protocols are seamlessly integrated and functioning in conjunction with one another.

Why You Need to Turn Your Home into a Smart Home

There are many benefits to turning your home into a smart home. The most obvious benefit is convenience. With a smart home, you can control and monitor all of your home’s devices from one central hub. You can also automate certain tasks, such as turning off the lights when you leave the house or turning on the security system when you go to bed.

An emerging important feature of a smart home is the conservation of the earth's limited resources. More and more people are becoming aware of the ability to make their homes truly smart — and green — by utilising home controllers integrated with all home sub-systems to increase savings by controlling lighting, window coverings, HVAC, irrigation and by monitoring usage.

Smart home technology also offers a way to save money. Smart thermostats and light switches allow you to set schedules and control the temperature and lights automatically, so you’re not wasting energy. Smart home security systems can also help you reduce your energy costs by alerting you to potential problems, such as a leaking water pipe or a broken window.

In addition, a smart home can increase safety and security. With a smart home security system, you can monitor your home remotely and be alerted to any suspicious activity. Smart locks can also be used to control who has access to your home, while smart cameras can be used to monitor your home while you’re away.

Different Types of Smart Home Devices

There are a number of different types of smart home devices available. Smart switches, for example, allow you to control lights and other electrical devices from your phone or voice assistant. Smart thermostats allow you to adjust the temperature in your home and save energy by automatically adjusting the temperature when you’re away. Smart security cameras can be used to monitor your home and alert you to any suspicious activity. Finally, Smart locks can be used to control who has access to your home.

With retrofit solutions, like Wozart even the existing appliances and homes can be connected to the internet and made smart without any changes to the home appliances or rewiring. Home automation systems are becoming more and more affordable. Not only are prices decreasing, but setup and use are less complex so that users can readily master all the controls associated with their safety and security devices.


Smart home technology is becoming increasingly popular as it offers a convenient and cost-effective way to automate and control the home environment. Smart home devices allow you to control and monitor devices from a central hub or smartphone app, saving you energy and money. Smart home technology also increases safety and security by alerting you to suspicious activity and controlling who has access to your home. There are a variety of different types of smart home devices available, including smart switches, thermostats, security cameras, locks, and sensors.