Smart Plug : A Simple way to turn any appliance Smart
The Wozart Wi-Fi Smart Plug can make any appliance
plugged into a wall socket Smart.
Enjoy the convenience of controlling your appliances from anywhere in the world
using your voice or an app on all smart displays and speakers.
No additional hardware required to connect to your Wi-Fi router.
Easy to install
Plug and play device that simply fits in your existing wall socket and enables control of any appliance plugged to it.
Make any
appliance Smart
Add smart functionality like scheduling and geo-location to automate your air conditioners, water heaters and pumps, so you can focus on the good things in life.

Control and monitor from anywhere
Setup is easy
The Wozart Smart Plug is a plug & play device. Simply plug into the socket and any connected appliance can be controlled with your phones, tablets and voice assistants. Designed to be used with both 5A and 15A plugs.

Technical Specifications
Wozart Smart Plug 15A
76.5 x 50 x 69
Number of controls
Wi-Fi , 802.11 b/g/n 2.4GHz
Max. Rated Wattage
110-230 V AC
Power supply
1 * 2500 W
Dimensions in mm
(Length x Width x Height )
Wozart Smart Plug 5A
76.5 x 50 x 69
Wi-Fi , 802.11 b/g/n 2.4GHz
110-230 V AC
1 * 1000 W
How many appliances can Wozart Switch control?Wozart switch controller enables control of five appliances or electric circuits.
Would my existing physical switches work after installing Wozart switch controllers?Yes! Your existing physical switches funtion as before. When the applainces are controlled manually using physical switches, it refelcts on the app as well.
Do I need additional smart hubs to control my appliances?No, Wozart products are Wi-Fi enabled and communicate directly with your home Wi-Fi network and doesn't require additional hardware.
Will the device fit inside my existing switchboard panel?Yes, Wozart switch controllers are meticulously designed to fit behind standard switchboards.
Do Wozart switch controllers require additonal special wiring?No. Wozart switch controllers doesn't require any kind of additional wiring and can be seamlessly integrated with your switchboard panel.
Do I need to change my switchboard?No. Wozart Switch Controllers are designed to fit perfectly inside a standard switchboard panel.
What happens if I make changes to my Wi-Fi network or buy a new router?In case the Wi-Fi network name or password is changed the device will not be able to connect back automatically. You have to get your Wozart product in to setup mode and configure it to the network. To get Wozart Switch Controllers in to setup mode, toggle the physical switch connected on second terminal (L2) twelve times under five seconds.
Would the devices connect back in the event of power failure?Once the Wi-Fi network is back online, Wozart devices will connect back automatically and be available for control from all your smart controller devices.
Can I integrate other smart devices with Wozart?Wozart products are integrated with best of the smart home ecosystems so that you have a greater choice to customise & build your smart home. Wozart devices can be integrated with devices that have "Works with Apple HomeKit" or "Works with SmartThings" or "Works with Google Assistant" or "amazon alexa enabled" on the packaging.
Will Wozart Switch Controller connect to a 5 GHz Wi-Fi network?Wozart switch controllers will only connect and work with a Wi-Fi 2.4 GHz network. In case you have a dual-band Wi-Fi router ensure both the networks have different SSID(name) or turn off the 5 GHz band.
Why does my Wozart Switch Controllers occassionly get disconnected from the network and doesn't respond?This can occur either due to network congestion or interference. If you are using a dual-band routers, ensure both the networks have different SSID(network name). Please note: Traditional 2.4 GHz band gives a coverage upto 150 ft indoors and 300 ft outdoors. To solve the issue: 1. Make sure the number of Wi-Fi connected devices are within wireless network range, if not add an additional Wi-Fi access point. 2. Reconnect your smart devices to Wi-Fi network. 3. Access your router settings and check is there is any limit to the number of simultaneous connections. 4. Update firmware to the latest version on your routers, controller devices and Wozart devices.
What should I do if Wozart device is offline or not responding?First, ensure the Wi-Fi network is working. In case there are no problems with the network, normal reset the device and check if it connected back. Even then if the problem persists, factory reset the device and configure the device again. Get the Wi-Fi router closer to the device or add a repeater near to the device.